I recently joined a gym that shares a space with a grocery store, and it's basically the perfect combination for me. I go to the grocery store and the gym's right there, so I feel like I might as well get a workout in too ;) And then I'm still on my endorphin high from my workout when I'm choosing my food, so I tend to shop healthier. Today I picked up enough produce to feed a small army:
The coconut shrimp from last night was so good that I made the same thing tonight! This time I served it with some cheesy mustard cauliflower and some wilted spinach (needed to use up my old supply to make room for the new container), and it was just as delicious.
I kept up the tropical theme for dessert, and had some non-fat yogurt with pineapple and caramel sauce.
I was still craving something a little chocolatey after my dessert, so I made a mug of chocolate spice tea and had a square of dark chocolate with it.
I never know where my time goes at night! One minute I'm finishing work, and the next it's already after 11:00. I feel ready for bed but I still have a bunch of things that need to be done. Hopefully I won't be up too late!
Do you like grocery shopping?
I feel the same way about grocery shopping! I lurve it. Have you ever noticed how you can buy a TON of veggies and then they are all gone within a day or two?